Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jackson Hole

This weekend our family went to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I have never been there. It was so much fun going somewhere new. Jackson Hole is a very charming town with a old west feel. When you first get into old town you see big arches made of antlers. As you can see below Zac had fun trying to pull them out but he had no luck.
At 6:00 pm everyday they do a show in the middle of old town. They have a shoot out and dancing. Zac thought it was a little scary. After the show we ate at the best Burger place. It was 20 times better then in-n-out.
Zac went swimming for the first time. He didn't seem to scared.

I have a list of things I want to do before I'm 30. One of the things on that list is white water rafting. This was the highlight of the whole trip. Anyone that knows me well, knows that I LOVE the water. Ethan's Mom watched Zac for us when we went down the river and his dad was the one that setup the trip. So thanks to them I was able to go.

It was so much fun. Everyone keep pushing the people next to them out of the raft. The best part was, we could swim down some rapids if we wanted. It was me and two other guys that did it. I will never forget how much fun that was. Below is a picture of us going down the river. It is hard to see but we are on the left side of the picture.
I blew it up so you can see it better. TETON NATIONAL PARK:
All I can say is B-E-A-Utiful! Ethan always talked about the Tetons but till I saw them in person I had no idea what he was talking about. We went for a hike up to a waterfall called Hidden falls. It was a 4.5 mile hike. Zac made it halfway and Ethan took him back. I was able to go all the way up to the waterfall. After that we drove around and saw so many animals.

It was Zacs first major road trip. It is 5.5 hours each way. I was so surprised on how well he did. He looked out the window, watched moves, and slept. His new favorite show to watch is "The Muppet Show". Once we got there he loved being outside so much. He even told me "I love you". That made my heart melt! I hope he does that well for our trip to Washington that is 13 hours each way.


Colette Kingsley said...

So much fun!
Thanks for all of the pictures to see
of your trip. Looks like Zac was as charming as ever.
Love you, Mom

{Elyse} said...

Shannon, you just got me so excited for my trip there this weekend!! Im glad that you were able to go water rafting...isnt it so much fun??

Elise and Dan said...

That sounds like a great trip! The Arkansas river flows through CO and so Dan and I are so excited to go. I love the water too! Your little man just gets cuter and cuter!

Jana said...

That looks SO fun!

Alysha said...

Aww, looks like you all had so much fun. I wish we could have gone. There is always next year.

Arian said...

What a fun trip! You seriously look awesome, Shannon. You skinny little thing! Tell Ethan hi for me. :)

Marianne said...

I love Jackson hole and river rafting is a blast! That is one place I've wanted to go with Scott since we've been married. Maybe next year???

Brooke said...

Oh my goodness, I haven't checked your blog in forever! I need to put you under "Ethan & Shannon" instead of the other way around--then I'd see it more:)

I"ve heard that river in Jackson is awesome and I want to do it one of these days! Teton Nat'l Park is amazingly beautiful! Can't wait to see Tiffany's pictures (in awhile:)

corniafamily said...

Zac looks so cute in those pictures. We really miss you guys as neighbors.

Unknown said...

This is Teresa (Law). Ethan and I were good friends in high school. I just wanted to say hi and tell you your little boy is absolutely darling!

Shannon Abbott said...

Ethan here. Surpised to hear from you. My mom told me she ran into your mom a couple of weeks ago. I tried to get into your blog to see your fast growing family, but it's blocked. Let me in. Thanks for the comment about Zac we think he is sexy also.

Lisa M said...

Such breath taking views. I love it.

Unknown said...

Sure, send me your email address and I'll get you an ivite.

Shannon Abbott said...

My email is