Tuesday, January 6, 2009

To cute not to post!

Zac is such a HAM. When I took this video he wanted to watch it over and over again. What a cute guy!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A minute to vent.

I have a love, hate relationship with pregnancy.  You're growing a baby inside your body and it's the most amazing experience. BUT... your body takes a toll for it. I know it sounds vain but I hate the way my body changes when I pregnant. I gained sooo much weight with Zac and when he was here it took a big toll on my self-esteem. To make matters worse it seamed like everyone around me had their old body back by 6 weeks postpartum. I've been trying to avoid the same situation this time by gaining less. I had a hard day because I feel so fat. I know I'm just pregnant but it's hard when you look at yourself and see a big belly. I'm really starting to POP! OH WELL! It's just one of the many sacrifices you make for your kids. I better start doing more yoga.