Sunday, November 7, 2010

My little trick or treaters

I love Halloween! I don't know why, maybe it's because I love fall and it's that time of year. The biggest reason has to be the candy. This year Zac knew what he wanted to be 3 months before. It was Buzz. It was all he talked about so I gave in a got a Buzz costume. Then I was at Target and found the alien from Toy story and thought it would be prefect for Tyson. To bad Tyson wouldn't keep it on. Anyways our Halloween was wonderful and Zac got a ton of candy. Zac had so much fun that he keeps asking when he can do it again.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

ha! Owen is the same, he keeps asking when he can put on his Halloween costume and get candy. I can't wait for Christmas this year! :)