Sunday, January 4, 2009

A minute to vent.

I have a love, hate relationship with pregnancy.  You're growing a baby inside your body and it's the most amazing experience. BUT... your body takes a toll for it. I know it sounds vain but I hate the way my body changes when I pregnant. I gained sooo much weight with Zac and when he was here it took a big toll on my self-esteem. To make matters worse it seamed like everyone around me had their old body back by 6 weeks postpartum. I've been trying to avoid the same situation this time by gaining less. I had a hard day because I feel so fat. I know I'm just pregnant but it's hard when you look at yourself and see a big belly. I'm really starting to POP! OH WELL! It's just one of the many sacrifices you make for your kids. I better start doing more yoga.


{Jason and Elan} said...

Shannon, I know just how you feel. I have these love handles now that I didn't have before pregnancy and when I look in the mirror, I just look chubby. It is really frustrating. I bet you lok a lot cuter than you think though.

Elise and Dan said...

It is so hard being pregnant sometimes. You are so beautiful, Shannon!! I just look at pregnancy as an excuse to BE and FEEL Fat. It's the ONLY time I'm not hard on myself. I too have vowed not to gain as much weight if we have another baby. It's just too much trouble after the baby comes. I'm sure you look amazing! Don't be hard on yourself!

{Elyse} said...

I know that you feel so big and unattractive when you are pregnant, but you are so beautiful and couldn't look bad if you tried!! Plus I can't even tell you are pregnant yet!

Anonymous said...
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Carrie said...

I think that EVERYONE thinks that at one time or another during their pregnancy. You are so not alone in this! While there is no way to avoid gaining weight right now, something that might help out is to eat some of your meals "gluten free" (the best way to find recipes is to just google it). That really helps with constipation that comes with pregnancy, and may help you feel less bloated. -sorry if that was too personal/gross :).

Chemenn said...

You are just beautiful. I know how you feel, but try not to stress about it too much. Just stay healthy. It took me awhile to get my body back the way it was. Actually it never got back to the way it was. things became bigger and some things became smaller. Ha. You are very lucky and blessed to be having this baby.

The Blohms said...

Pregnancy is such an amazing and beautiful thing! Pregnant bellies are my favorite. If it helps you feel any better, you looked awesome after you had Zac. You never see youself how everyone else does. You're beautiful and I am sure you look amazing! Love You!

Alysha said...

All I can say to you and Chemenn is "Shut Up!" I would love to have my old body back. I am on month 15 since my baby was born. Just remember that if you gain weight while you are pregnant than you are doing the right thing for your baby. I know many women who do not have healthy pregnancies so they can stay thin. Trust me, I know it's hard sometimes, but you look great and you did while you were pregnant with Zac.

Shannon Abbott said...
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Shannon Abbott said...

Sorry guys. I know I'm so lucky to be having this baby. I would do anything for this baby include gain 100 lb if I had too. Most of the time don't care that I'm getting bigger.....I was just having a hard day. I wan't to be healthily and that is what I'm trying to do.

The Blohms said...

We all have hard days. It's ok to feel like that sometimes.

Arian said...

Oh, Shannon, I could not agree with you more. I am having those mixed feelings right about now wondering why on earth we have more babies after the first one (just kidding)! The jelly belly that comes afterwards is such a great reward! All I know is that I've seen pictures of you on here post-baby and you look sooo awesome! Even if it takes us a little while to get the weight back off, these babies are so worth it. Good luck with yoga. :)

abby said...

It took me a YEAR to lose my baby weight. You are looking very beautiful!